2011년 6월 4일 토요일


State of Israel of lag  founding, only five month 28 and 1948 October was adopted. It depicts a blue Star of David on a white background and between two horizontal blue stripes. It with David's green depiction star in between stripes guy blue width white background. The blue colour is mandated only As " dark sky-blue"  AND varies from flag to flag and ranging from a hue of pure blue, sometimes shaded almost As dark As navy blue, to hues about 75% toward pure cyan AND shades As light As very light blue. The flag was designed for the Zionist Movement in 1891. Blue color, " - With only blue instruction " With in dark sky until being early, from the Star-Spangled Banner flag different hue green purity, occasionally shade like almost black was pure in four right blue and color, % with direction about 75 with bluish green color very with green color of a flame in hue color of a flame.  about the national flag the life intellectual kinetic 1,891 inch The basic design recalls the Tallit which is planned and the Jewish prayer shawl and which is white with blue stripes. Basic plan recall Tallit, the white which is and blue stripes and muffler Jew spirit. The hexagram in the centre is the Magen David (" shield of David"). hexagram Magen David who are to the center (" David's shield "). It became a Jewish symbol starting in late medieval Prague, AND was adopted by the First Zionist Congress in 1897.this Jew's symbol was started in medieval Prague and end from was adopted first time life intellectual congressional 1897 inch  In 2007, an Israeli flag measuring 660 by 100 metres AND weighing 5.2 tonnes was unfurled near the ancient Jewish fortress of Masada and breaking the world record for the largest flag.  2007, ancient times Masada of unfurled vicinities the State of Israel national flag to be fortress Jew of weight 5.2 of 100 meter measurements and 660 tons, awakes and world record [phul] is biggest about the lag.


Basically, one is a possibility of dividing two State of Israel cooking: There is Ashkenazic and Sephardic. Ashkenazic related to Jewish people (immigrants) from east AND west Europe AND Sephardic relates to Jewish people from middle east countries. Ashkenazic with country east brother-in-law Europe and center Sephardic from relation Jew) (emigration person people relation Jew. The Sephardic food is full of aromatic spices & herbs, spicier AND livelier in general than Ashkenazic cooking which is sweeter. Sephardic food is a taste and puts on and cooking spicier which more general in Rome perfume livelier Oh Ashkenazic is and & Hub. Nowadays we have new Israeli cuisine which combines the two with modern cooking. Recent us cooking which cooking two today combines new State of Israel. The style of Jewish cooking reflects the many places that Jews have lived throughout the centuries. The style of Jew cooking extends in defensive and reflection Jews who are living the place plentifully. Jewish cooking shows the influence of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Spanish and German AND Eastern European styles of cooking and some influenced by the unique dietary Jewish laws. Jew cooking legal menu Jew the Middle East and the Mediterranean Sea of the influence which shows characteristically, German, the east, Spanish, cooking few thing of effect style of Europe. Many of the foods that we think of As Jewish/Israeli are not unique to Jewish ors Israeli culture. We of the most which thinks with Jew are food/State of Israel cultural State of Israel or tie and, is unique. Stuffed cabbage and a traditional Jewish dish and is common in Eastern Europe. The cabbage of the doll the Jew food which is traditional, is general is in the Europe east. Blintzes AND knishes are familiar to all Germans and not just Jewish ones. Blintzes and knishes the things as it is the are is not familiar all Jew Germany. Many of the dishes that make up the Israeli cuisine have been brought by immigrants from the countries of their origin. From the era their country of cooking where the State of Israel maximum majority cooks a dish had with the emigration person and was come. Thus, even though dishes such As couscous and felafel AND shishlik are extraordinarily popular throughout the country and none of them can be considered " truly Israel." Nation felafel [khwu] [su] [khwu] [su], to extend consequently though cooking etc. and there be popularity very, shishlik, anyone in them. " There to be a State of Israel possibility and be regarded, " Truly Couscous and for example and originated in the Maghreb nations of North Africa; the roots of felafel are Egyptian; AND shishlik first came from Turkey. The [khwu] [su] [khwu] [su], for example, in era of that [ley] [pu] nation of Africa northern part E; Comes from the justice felafel root Egypt ares, and shishlik initial Republic of Turkey. Challa is a very sweet, golden and eggy bread. Challa breads are tenderhearted quite, snores, eggy. The taste AND texture is somewhat similar to egg twist rolls. Taste and material feeling the torsion egg somewhat which is rolling is similar. The loaf is usually braided and but on certain holidays it may be made in other shapes. Is a rope, but the usual holiday which twists there is a possibility of making in positively different form.


The center and life style of State of Israel religious national function with culture of State of Israel participating the major role, and the religion the State of Israel center plays the role of history from formation. The citizen of the most which State of Israel does the world the country which is only Jew. According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and the population in 2008 was 75.4% Jewish and 20.6% Arab, AND 4% minority groups. The religious affiliation of the Israeli population. As of 2005 was 76.2% Jewish, 16.1% Muslim and 2.1% Christian, AND 1.6% Druze and with the remaining 4.0% not classified by religion.  FBI statistical center State of Israel, 2008 population group 75.4% Jew who is, 20.6%, Arabs and 4% decimals like the religious affiliation of the State of Israel population  Jew, % nothing 4.0% does not become classifications remained with the rims, 2.1% Christianities and 1.6% Druze religions with Israel has no entrenched constitution and but freedom of religion is anchored in law. State of Israel the constitution which hardens but, the freedom of religion this anchors in law. While the Basic Laws of Israel that serve in place of a constitution define the country As a " Jewish state and " these Basic Laws and coupled with Knesset statutes and decisions of the Supreme Court of Israel, AND various elements of the common law current in Israel and also protect free practice of religion in the country. Legal accommodation of the non-Jewish communities follows the pattern AND practice of the Ottoman AND British administrations with some important modifications. Law of the other side State of Israel in place provision of basic constitution in country justice " Jew nation " The law, combination and basic National Assembly of State of Israel law, element of decisive State of Israel court of justice Supreme Court and protects currently also the religious practice of the country of custom legal State of Israel which is various no charge which are.  Jew communities the amendment pattern where is not the lodging facility of law only few thing administration five of the practice which is important and Great Britain. Israeli law officially recognizes five religions and all belonging to the Abrahamic family of religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Druzeism AND the Bahá' Í Faith. The ratio law of State of Israel religion Abrahamic of the family which officially, five religion recognition all belongs: Judaism, Christianity and Islamism, Druzeism comes pagan religious belief under. Furthermore, the law formally recognizes ten separate sects of Christianity: the Roman, Armenian, Maronite and Syriac, AND Chaldean Catholic Churches; the Eastern Orthodox Greek Orthodox Church; the Oriental Orthodox Syriac Orthodox Church; the Armenian Apostolic Church; AND the Anglican Evangelical Episcopal Church.  The fact that the Muslim population was not defined As a religious community is a vestige of the Ottoman era and when Islam was the dominant religion. Also, the law with proper form recognition line threat of separate way end five Christianity: Rome, the are carries on shoulder elegant words, Maronite, hour elegant words, and knife Oh the car the Rick church, eastern country orthodoxy meeting Greek orthodoxy meeting and eastern country orthodoxy meeting hour elegant words orthodoxy meeting; The are carries on shoulder elegant words the church which is apostle, and the Anglican Church Evangelism director justice the church. factual nothing [sul] the rim population knows as community religion only five which are a just trace, periodic Islam religion dominative is. The religious rights of the Muslim community are not affected by this, As even members of unrecognized religions are free to practice their religion. , on top of that with the religious member who is not the possibility of knowing religion their practice with no charge this right, in compliance with a religion the Islam society which does not undergo an influence